19 October 2009

Just What the Doctor Ordered

So a few things have changed since July 27 (ahem). I packed, I moved, and I am slowly unpacking. I was so exhausted from the pre-move frenzy that I haven't forced myself to rush to get everything unpacked. And then I got distracted. Not long after the move my Mom went in for knee-replacement surgery. The surgery went fine, recovery not so much. Ten days after the original surgery they did a second surgery. Then she went back to the rehab facility. Finally, finally, just last Friday she was released to return home. Everything's going well now, but it's been a hectic three weeks that has left me getting home at 10 p.m. many nights. That wouldn't be so horrible if the alarm clock wasn't set for 5:15 a.m.

Friday night I joined two girlfriends for a little knitting and a lot of chatting. It was a great way to end the week. The rest of the weekend I spent holed up in my house. From Friday night through Sunday night, I didn't leave for one minute, and I loved it. I cooked chili, unpacked a bit, cleaned a bit, did a lot of laundry, and took care of a pet who was under the weather. I also watched football and read and knitted some more. It was just what I needed to recharge and refocus after several months of good but time-consuming distractions.


Elizabeth said...

Glad you're back - I have enjoyed your posts. Hope your Mum keeps well.
Tomorrow I'm off to see Julie and Julia in the Regent cinema in Ballarat in southern Australia.
What's showing in your town?

Erica said...

Thanks, Elizabeth! It sure feels good to be back, too. Enjoy Julie and Julia - I loved it. Julia's life seems so grand and beautiful, but also real, which is such a fine line to walk. The only movie that I know that is showing right now that I want to see is Where the Wild Things Are. Maybe this weekend!